Friday, January 29, 2010

Awaken Your Inner Goddess:Women's Weekend Workshop

Step into the Mystery of the Divine Feminine this Valentines!

Awake the sleeping goddess energies inside of you and experience greater balance and joy.

A Goddess heals the past, lives in the now, and creates the future. She leads out into the world from her heart, is connected to the power of the divine feminine, and the beauty of her soul. She knows her purpose and lives with passion.

MyBiGskinnyLYFE presents a two day seminar for women with holistic life strategies coach, Elle Eyre. Bring your mother, daughter, sister, friend or neighbor to share this amazing experience with you.

Learn how to tap into your internal energy stores, explore and connect to the divine feminine, change the way you think about being an emotional being. Recieve tools and training to improve your relationships, get more of what you want and less of what you do, create loving and joyful environments.

And much, much more!


Friday, January 8, 2010

Feng Shui Your Life

Conscious living practices create balance and bring peace and joy to life. Feng Shui is a conscious living practice that cultivates awareness about the energies of all things and their relationship with each other; teaches about human nature and environmental stewardship; provides formulae to restore balance to the soul, to relationships, and to the environment; eliminates environmental "noise," opening the mind to receive the endless possibilities of creation; and allows expansion of the soul to fulfill divine purpose.

Feng Shui is a Chinese philosophy for interpreting environments. Formulae are used to determine optimal positioning of objects in an environment to support the energies of the individual. These formulae are designed to flow with changes in season, in circumstance, and in the environment. Feng Shui considers the energies of the earth, the heavens and the soul and correlates these energies to create balance.

After becoming familiar with the philosophy and formulae of Feng Shui practice an intuitive connection to one's own energies is forged. This relationship with personal energy forces allows the individual to approach the creation of balanced living simply. Strengthening trust in personal intuition opens the mind to the vast possibilities of creation and expands the soul.

When life is balanced and energies are flowing in harmony with each other greater peace can be felt. By eliminating environmental "noise" the mind and body are open and ready to receive and to give with greater capacity, thus expanding the individual to fulfill divine purpose and experience greater joy.

Because Feng Shui is founded on principles of energy it can be applied to other methods and practices for creating balanced health and well being. Such holistic practices may include but are not limited to; Yoda, Tai Chi, Meditation, Ayruvedic Medicine, Homeopathy, Herbalism, Reflexology, Massage, and Aromatherapy.

Reference: Feng Shui, Mind and Body Spirit and Home, by Gill Hale and Mark Evans.

See you on the other side,


Here I Am Again

Elle here,

After beginning this blog I was determined to have a plan and press forward. I found myself tangled up in my own plan. I write best when inspired or when I am learning something new that I want to share.

So here is the new plan.

In order for me to deliver what I would consider a "natural" product through conversations about what I have learned about creating balance in life I am going to go out on a limb, who knows, I might learn that I can fly. I have been reading several new things that I am implementing in some way to create balance for my life. I am going to share these things with you as they reveal themselves and as I take the opportunity to proof them.

To begin I am posting an additional article today about Feng Shui.

See you on the other side,